Swales are shaping the future of sustainable land management—and they can transform your garden, homestead, or farm too! Whether you’re a passionate gardner, homesteader, or a farmer practicing permaculture, swales are a game-changing tool for capturing water, preventing erosion, and creating lush, productive land. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about...
6 Great Cold Hardy Vegetables for Your Winter Garden
Beets Beets are frost-tolerant root vegetables. They can grow without cover in regions with mild winters and grow in low or high tunnels in regions with more extreme winters. Plant them later in the fall to allow maturation during the winter. Sugars are stored in the roots allowing for sweet beets at harvest time....
3 Unique Heat-Resistant Spinach Alternatives to Grow This Summer
As the summer heat intensifies, so does the taste of fresh greens in the garden. Greens, like spinach (Spinacia oleracea), grow best in cool temperatures. Unfortunately, spinach, will bolt to seed from even the slightest exposure to heat. Some gardeners, including me, have trouble growing spinach in general. In past growing seasons I have...
6 Types of Annual Crops to Grow in Your Survival Garden
If you could grow your own food to feed your family for one year, what would you grow? During WWII, the United States government encouraged families and entire communities to grow their own food due to food shortages, rationing, and rising food prices. This became known as the victory garden movement. Fast forward to...